From March to November 2021, over a period of 8 months, a Quebec team accomplished the first-ever north-south crossing of Canada, using only human power. It was the first ever attempt to link the country’s most northerly island (Ellesmere) to the American border in southern Ontario. It became one of the longest wilderness expeditions in Canadian history. Guillaume Moreau and Nicolas Roulx completed the entire route, while five of their friends accompanied them for certain sections.

In all, it took Nicolas and Guillaume 234 days to cover the 7600 km of the expedition. Over this distance, 39 parallels were crossed, 32 of which were connected continuously, strictly by human power.
On the expedition’s return, a few honours were paid to our journey.

We have been named Fellows of The Royal Canadian Geographical Society

We won The Royal Canadian Geographical Society’s Expedition of the Year Award

We’ve been named ambassadors of the Banff Mountain Film Festival

The story of this expedition led to the book 234 jours, co-written by Nicolas and Guillaume and published by Cardinal in November 2023. This 450-page book is like a thriller, with maps and photos!
Interested in our book 234 days?

During the expedition, we filmed our daily lives non-stop, often in extreme conditions. The result is a 45-minute film entitled Canada Vertical, which has won awards at numerous festivals around the world. The film has been selected for the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour, and will be shown in 40 countries and hundreds of cities around the world in 2024!
Interested in our film Canada Vertical?
Some interviews about this expedition