Julien has been a special education teacher for 5 years. Combining his job and his role as a swimming coach, he has led dozens of young people to persevere with his extraordinary adventures. Having crossed Canada from east to west by canoe in 2015, Julien is known in his region for his determination.

Guillaume Moreau
Guillaume has been specializing in expeditions in remote areas for a decade. This year, he will also complete a doctorate in forest sciences (PhD) at Université Laval. For him, large-scale expeditions are an opportunity to combine scientific research with exploration of wilderness areas.
François Brassard
A high-calibre kayaker and adventure guide, François holds a master’s degree in biology. Devoted to his passions, he currently works as a research professional in an urban ecology research laboratory. Over the past decade, François has developed a professional talent in photography.

Nicolas Roulx
Nicolas is a high school history, geography and outdoor education teacher. Wilderness First Responder, he is eager for new northern experiences. In addition to his work, he is currently completing a master’s degree in Arctic geopolitics and gives talks about exploration and perseverance in schools.

The talks

The science